Peer-Reviewed Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications

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Year 2024

Year 2023

Year 2022

  • 151) Heonho Lee; Uday Kurien; Parisa A. Ariya, Title: "Uptake of Hg0(g) on TiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 Nanoparticles: Importance in atmospheric chemical and physical processes", Journal of Physical Chemistry A, ACS, 2022; https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpca.2c03428
  • 150) Japandeep Kaur, Mainak, Devendra Pal, Rodrigo Rangel-Alvardo, Ryan Hall, Parisa A. Ariya, Ice nucleation of pharmaceutical and synthetic organic emerging contaminants: The impact of selected environmental conditions, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2022, 6, 9, 2236–2249 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsearthspacechem.2c00187
  • 149) Rodrigo Rangel-Alvardo, Houjie Li, Parisa A. Ariya, Snow Particles Physiochemistry: Feedback on Air Quality, Climate Change, and Human Health, RSC Environmental Science - Atmosphere, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2EA00067A
  • 148) Ryan Hall, Devendra Pal, and Parisa A. Ariya, A novel dynamic technique, Nano-DIHM, for rapid detection of oil, heavy metals, and biological spills in aquatic systems, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94, 32, 11390–11400; https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02396
  • 147) P. Yu, P. Ariya, F. Fu and B. Tang, Insights on Pb(II) retention and immobilization by ferrihydrite in the presence of Al(III) and oxalic acid Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2EN00083K; https://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2022/EN/D2EN00083K
  • 146) Rodrigo Rangel-Alvardo, Devendral Pal, Parisa A. Ariya, PM2.5 decadal data in cold vs. mid-climate airports:COVID-19 era and a call for sustainable air quality policy, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, volume 29, pages 58133–58148; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-022-19708-8

Year 2021

  • 145) Devendra Pal, Yevgen Nazarenko, Thomas C. Preston and Parisa A. Ariya, Advancing the science of dynamic airborne nanosized particles using Nano-DIHM, Communications Chemistry, 14:170, 2021. COMMUNICATIONS CHEMISTRY | (2021) 4:170 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-021-00609-9 | https://www.nature.com/articles/s42004-021-00609-9
  • 144) Houjie Lee and Parisa A. Ariya, "Black Carbon Particles Physicochemical real-time dataset in a Cold City: Trends of Fall-Winter BC Accumulation and COVID-19", Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, Research Article Open Access, 10.1029/2021JD035265, 2021
  • 143) M Amyot, D Bélanger, DF Simon, J Chételat, M Palmer, P Ariya, photooxidation of arsenic in pristine and mine-impacted Canadian Subarctic freshwater system Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 2, 100006, 2021
  • 142) Zi Wang, Nadim Saade and Parisa A. Ariya, Advances in ultra-trace analytical capability for micro/nanoplastics and water soluble polymers in the environment: Fresh falling urban snow, Environmental Pollution, 2021 May 1;276:116698
  • 141) Yevgen Nazarenko, Chitra Narayanan, Hannah Szeptycki, Aflah Kayium and Parisa A. Ariya, Organic sorbents for air purification: A new application of recyclable hypercrosslinked polystyrene, ACS-industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 2021, 60, 10, 3969–3980
  • 140) Yevgen Nazernko, Devendra Pal, and Parisa A. Ariya, Towards Superior Health Risk Assessment of the Global Air Pollution Exposure: The Case for Metric Harmonization of the PM2.5 Ambient Air Quality Standards, Bulletin of the world Health Organisation , 2021;99:125-137D
  • 139) Yevgen Nazarenko and Parisa A. Ariya, Interaction of Air Pollution with Snow and Seasonality Effects, Atmosphere 2021, 12(4), 490

Year 2020

  • 138) Chujia Ye , Parisa A. Ariya, Fenglian Fu, Guangda Yu, Bing Tan, Influence of Al(III) and Sb(V) on the transformation of ferrihydrite nanoparticles: Interation among ferrihydrite coprecipitated Al (III) and Sb(V), Journal of Hazardous Materials,124423, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124423
  • 137) D. Pal, A. Dastoor and P. A. Ariya, Aerosols in an urban cold-climate: Physical characteristics of nanoparticles, Urban Climate, Volume 34, 100713, 2020 (http://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2020.10073)
  • 136) A. Goshdastidar, J. Ramamurthi, M. Morisette, P. A. Ariya, Development of Methodology to Generate, Measure and Characterize the Chemical Composition of Oxidized Mercury Nanoparticles, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 412, 691–702 (2020)
  • 135) Ryan Hall, Oleg Nepotchatykh, Evguenia Nepotchatykh, Parisa A. Ariya, anthropogenic photolabile chlorine in the cold-climate city of Montreal, Atmosphere 2020, 11(8), 812
  • 134) Zohreh Falsafi, Farhad Raofie, Hojat Kazami and Parisa A. Ariya, Simultaneous extraction and fractionation of petroleum biomarkers from tar balls and crude oils using a two-step sequential supercritical fluid extraction, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020
  • 133) Hem Ghmire and Parisa A. Ariya, E-Wastes: Bridging the Knowledge Gaps in Global Production Budgets, Composition, Recycling and Sustainability Implications, Sustainable Chemistry, 1,2, 2020 (Invited feature article)
  • 132) F Safiz, R. Raofie, P. A. Ariya, Supercritical fluid extraction followed by supramolecular solvent micro extraction method for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon", Journal of Seperation Science, JSSC201900886, https://doi.org/10.1002/jssc.201900886, 2020
  • 131) Mainak Ganguly, Yuang Yuang Yu, Bryan Lee, and Parisa A. ariya, Natural Kaolin: Sustainable technology for instantaneous and energy neutral recycling of anthropogenic mercury emissions” , ChemSusChem, 13, issue 1, 2020. , this article received the distinction of "Very Important paper".

Year 2019

  • 130) Avik J. Goshdastidar and Parisa A. Ariya, The existence of airborne mercury nanoparticles, Scienctific Reports, 9:10733, 2019
  • 129) Mainak Ganguly and Parisa A. Ariya, "Ice nucleation of model nano and micro plastic: A novel synthetic protocol and the influence of particle capping at diverse atmospheric environments, Journal of ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3, 9, 1729-1739, 2019
  • 128) R. Mortazavii, Atti, P. A. Ariya, Diversity of metals and metal-interactive bacterial populations in different types of Arctic snow and frost flowers: Implications on snow freeze-melt processes in a changing climate, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 690, , Pages 277-289, 2019
  • 127) Rodrigo Rangel-Alvaraz, Chelsea Willis, Vince St-Louis, Marc Amyot, Parisa A. Ariya, Athabasca Oil Sands Region Snow Contains Efficient Micron and Nano-sized Ice Nucleating Particles, Environmental Pollution, Volume 252, Part A, Pages 289-295, 2019
  • 126) Mainak Ganguly; Parisa A. Ariya, A Novel Removal Technology of Brilliant Green from Water: Influence of Post Oxidation, Environmental Conditions and Capping", ACS Omega, 47, 12107-12120, 2019
  • 125) Mayeesha Rahim, Devendra Pal, and Parisa A. Ariya, Physicochemical Studies of Aerosols at Montreal Trudeau Airport: The Importance of Airborne Nanoparticles Containing Emerging Metal Contaminants, Environmental Pollution, 246, 734-744. 2019
  • 124) lmaternah, M,, Isamel, E, Abusalehm A, Altwanahm, A Ariya, P. A. The Gas-Phase Ozonolysis Reaction Methylbutenol: A Mechanistic Study, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry,Volume119, Issue10, 2019

Year 2018

  • 123) M. Ganguly, S. Dib and P. A. Ariya, Fast, Cost-effective and Energy Efficient Mercury Removal-Recycling Technology, Scientific Reports, 8:16255; 34172-62018 , 2018
  • 122) Mainak Ganguly; Dib, Simon; Kurien, Uday; Rangel-Alvarado, Rodrigo; Miyahara, Yoichi and Parisa A. Ariya, "The Influence of Environmentally Relevant Physicochemical Conditions on a Highly Efficient Inorganic Ice Nucleating Particle", J. Phys. Chem. C . 2018, 122, 32, 18690-18704
  • 121) Parisa A. Ariya, Ashu Dastoor, Yevgen Nazarene, and Marc Amyot, "Do snow and ice alter urban air quality?", Atmospheric Environment, 186, 266-268, 2018
  • 120) Chelsea E. Willis, Jane L. Kirk, Vincent L. St.Louis, Igor Lehnherr, Parisa A Ariya, and Rodrigo Benjamin Rangel-Alvarado, Sources of methylmercury to snowpacks of the Alberta Oil Sands Region: A study of in situ methylation and particulates, Environmental Science and Technology, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2018, 52 (2), pp 531–540
  • 119) A. Ghosdastidar, Z. Hu, Y. Nazarenko, and P. A. Ariya, Exposure to Nanoscale and Microscale Particulate Air Pollution prior to Mining Development near a Northern Indigenous Community in Quebec, Canada, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(9), 8976-8988, 2018
  • 118) M., Ganguly, S. Dib, P. A. Ariya , the Purely Inorganic Highly Efficient Ice Nucleating Particle, American Chemical Society, ACS Omega, 2018, 3 (3), pp 3384–3395
  • 117) Lin Si, and P. A. Ariya, A review of aquatic mercury complexes, Atmosphere, 2018

Year 2017

  • 116) Kurien, U., H, Lee, Z. HU, A. Dastoor & P. A. Ariya, Radiation Enhanced Uptake of Hg0(g) on on Iron (Oxyhydr)Oxide Nanoparticles, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 45010 - 45021, 2017
  • 115) Yevgen Nazarenko, Parisa A. Ariya. September 2017. It’s Cold Outside: Effects of Snow on Urban Air Pollution. AWE International. 51. Weymouth, UK: Bay Publishing. 2017
  • 114) Hussein Traboulsi, Necola Guerrina, Matthew Iu, Dusica Maysinger,
  • Mark Goldberg, Parisa Ariya, Carolyn Baglole, Inhaled pollutants: the molecular scene behind respiratory and systemic diseases associated with ultrafine particulate matter, J. Molecular Sciences - Molecular pathology, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (2), 243, 2017
  • 113) Y. Nazerneko, P. Seers, S. U. Kurien, R. Alvarez, O. Nepotochykh, P. A. Ariya, Role of Snow in the Fate of Gaseous and Particulate Exhaust Pollutants from Gasoline-Powered Vehicles, Environmental Pollution, Volume 223, 2017, Pages 665–675, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.01.082
  • 112) A. Rocha, C. Wilde, Y. Nazerenko, Z. Hu, O. Nepotochykh & P. A. Ariya Development of a hybrid photo-bioreactor and nanoparticle adsorbent system for the removal of CO2, and selected organic and metal co-pollutants, Volume 57, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Pages 41-53, 2017; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2016.12.010
  • 111) R. Mortazavi and P. A. Ariya, "The Impact of Renovation on Indoor Air-Borne Bacterial and Fungal Populations", Indoor and Built Environment, 10, 26, 1351-1361 2017, Editorial distinction - selected as F1000Prime recommended list.

Year 2016

  • 110) Y. Nazarenko, R. Rangel-Alvarado and P. A. Ariya, Novel Aerosol Analysis Approach for Characterization of Nanoparticulate Matter in Snow, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pages 1-14, 2016, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-016-8199-3
  • 109) Z. HU; U. Kurien; K. Murwira , A., Ghoshdastidar, O. Nepotchatykh, P. A. Ariya, Development of a novel green technology for mercury recycling from spent compact fluorescent lamps using iron oxides nanoparticles and electrochemistry", ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.,2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.5b01612, also "feature article" in ACS CEN news and also received a "Key article" in Advances in engineering (Nov 2016 issue).
  • 108) Yevgen Nazernako, Uday Kurien, Oleg Nepotchatkyh, Rodrigo B. Rangel-Alvardo and Parisa A. Ariya, Role of Snow and Cold Environment in the Fate and Effects of Nanoparticles and Select Organic Pollutants from Gasoline Engine Exhaust, RSC Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 18, 190 - 199 , 2016 (This article is classified as "HOT ARTICLE", "Top 10 most downloaded in all Royal Society ES, in 2016", and appeared on the "cover page". Moreover it received a full page of the Royal Society's Chemistry World feature article and wide coverage in international news)
  • 107) Rodrigo Rangel-Alvardo, Yevgen Nazarenko, Parisa A. Ariya, Snow-borne nanosized particles: Abundance, distribution, composition, and significance in ice nucleation processes", Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 120, issue 22, pages 11760-11774, 2016, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015JD023773/full, (This article also featured on the Cover page)

Year 2015

  • 106) Ali Moridnejad, Neamat Karimi, Parisa A. Ariya, A new inventory for Middle East dust source points. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 187:582, 2015
  • 105) R Mortazavi, S Attiya, PA Ariya, Arctic microbial and next generation sequencing approach for bacteria in snow and frost flowers: selected identification, abundance and freezing nucleation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15 (11), 6183-6204, 2015.
  • 104) Deeds, Daniel; Ghoshdastidar, Avik; Raofie, Farhad; Guerette, Elise-Andre; Tessier, Alain; Ariya, Parisa, Development of a Particle-Trap Preconcentration-Soft Ionization Mass Spectrometric Technique for the Quantification of mercury halides in air", Analytical Chemistry, 87 (10), pp 5109-5116, 2015
  • 103) Ariya, Parisa A.; Amyot, Marc; Dastoor, Ashu; Deeds, Daniel; Subir, Mahamud; Feinberg, Aryeh; Kos, Gregor; Poulain, Alexandre; Ryjkov, A; Semeniuk, Kirill; Toyota, Kenjiro, "Mercury Physicochemical and Biogeochemical Transformation in the Atmosphere and at Atmospheric Interfaces: A Review and Future Directions", Chemical Reviews (American Chemical Society),115 (10),3760-3802, 2015 (invited)
  • 102) A. Feinberg, U. Kurien, P. A. Ariya, "The kinetics of aqueous mercury(II) reduction by sulfite over an array of environmental conditions", Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, Volume 226: 119, 1-12, 2015
  • 101) M. Subir, N. Eltouny, and P. A. Ariya, "A Surface Second Harmonic Generation Investigation of Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption on a Liquid Mercury Surface" Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 23464-23470
  • 100) Ali Moridnejad, Neamat Karimi, Parisa A. Ariya, Newly desertified regions in Iraq and its surrounding areas: Significant novel sources of global dust particles, Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 116, Pages 1-10, 2015
  • 99) Connie Ye and Parisa A. Ariya, Co-Adsorption of Gaseous Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, m-Xylene (BTEX) and SO2 on Recyclable Fe3O4 Nanoparticles at 0-101 % Relative Humidities. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 31, 164-174, 2015
  • 98) Lin Si and Parisa A. Ariya, Photochemical Reactions of Divalent Mercury with Thioglycolic Acid: Formation of Mercuric Sulfide Particles", Chemosphere; 119, 467-472, 2015

Year 2014

  • 97) Steffen A., Lehnherr I, Cole A., Ariya, P. Dastoor, Durnford D., Kirk J., Pilote M. Atmospheric mercury in the Canadian Arctic. Part I: A review of recent field measurements, Science of Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.10.109.
  • 96) Zhenzhong Hu , Maximilien Beuret , Hassan Khan, and Parisa A. Ariya Development of a Recyclable Remediation System for Gaseous BTEX: Combination of Iron Oxides Nanoparticles Adsorbents and Electrochemistry, ACS sustainable chemistry and engineering, 2014, 2 (12), 2739-2747, 2014
  • 95) Nermin Eltouny, Parisa Ariya, Enhanced Reactivity toward Oxidation by Water Vapor: Interactions of Toluene and NO2 on Hydrated Magnetite Nanoparticles, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (41), pp 23654-23663, 2014
  • 94) N. Eltouny and P. A. Ariya, Competing reactions of selected atmospheric gases on Fe3O4 nano particles surfaces, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (PCCP), 2014, 16 (42), 23056 - 23066
  • 93) G. Kos, N. Adechina, V. Kanthasamy and P. A. Ariya, Volatile organic compounds in Arctic snow: Concentrations and implications for atmospheric processes", RSC, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16 (11), 2592-2603
  • 92) Ariya, P. A., G. Kos, R. Mortazavi, E. D. Hudson, V. Kanthasamy, N. Eltouny, J. Sun, and C. Wilde. Bio-Organic Materials in the Atmosphere and Snow: Measurement and Characterization, in Atmospheric and Aerosol Chemistry, V.F. McNeill and P.A. Ariya, Editors. 2014. p. 145-199.
  • 91) McNeill, V.F. and P.A. Ariya, Atmospheric and Aerosol Chemistry Preface, in Atmospheric and Aerosol Chemistry, V.F. McNeill and P.A. Ariya, Editors. 2014. p. V-VI

Year 2013

  • 90) Eltouny, N. and P.A. Ariya, The Impact of Chemical Aging on Ice Nucleating Abilities of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in the Atmosphere, in Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, P.J. DeMott and C.D. Odowd, Editors. 2013. p. 930-932.
  • 89) Kos, G., A. Ryzhkov, A. Dastoor, J. Narayan, A. Steffen, P. A. Ariya and L. Zhang, Evaluation of discrepancy between measured and modelled oxidized mercury species. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2013. 13(9): p. 4839-4863.
  • 88) McNeill, V. Faye, and Parisa A. Ariya, eds. Atmospheric and Aerosol Chemistry. Springer Berlin, 2013.

Year 2012

  • 87) Eltouny, N.A. and P.A. Ariya, Fe3O4 Nanoparticles and Carboxymethyl Cellulose: A Green Option for the Removal of Atmospheric Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and o-Xylene (BTEX). ACS, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012. 51(39): p. 12787-12795.
  • 86) McNeill, V. F., A. M. Grannas, J. P. D. Abbatt, M. Ammann, P. Ariya, T. Bartels-Rausch, F. Domine, D. J. Donaldson, M. I. Guzman, D. Heger, T. F. Kahan, P. Klan, S. Masclin, C. Toubin and D. Voisin, Organics in environmental ices: sources, chemistry, and impacts. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012. 12(20): p. 9653-9678.
  • 85) Snider, G. and P. Ariya, Kinetic and Product Studies of the Reactions of NO2, with Hg-0 in the Gas Phase in the Presence of Titania Micro-Particle Surfaces. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2012. 223(7): p. 4397-4406.
  • 84) Subir, M., P.A. Ariya, and A.P. Dastoor, A review of the sources of uncertainties in atmospheric mercury modeling II. Mercury surface and heterogeneous chemistry - A missing link. Atmospheric Environment, 2012. 46: p. 1-10.
  • 83) Sun, J., P. A. Ariya, H. G. Leighton and M. K. Yau, Modeling Study of Ice Formation in Warm-Based Precipitating Shallow Cumulus Clouds. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2012. 69(11): p. 3315-3335.
  • 82) Sun, J., H. Leighton, M. K. Yau and P. Ariya, Numerical evidence for cloud droplet nucleation at the cloud-environment interface. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012. 12(24): p. 12155-12164.
  • 81) Voisin, D., J.-L. Jaffrezo, S. Houdier, M. Barret, J. Cozic, M. D. King, J. L. France, H. J. Reay, A. Grannas, G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, H. J. Beine and F. Domine, Carbonaceous species and humic like substances (HULIS) in Arctic snowpack during OASIS field campaign in Barrow. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2012. 117.
  • 80) Shepson, P. B., P. A. Ariya, C. J. Deal, D. J. Donaldson, T. A. Douglas, B. Loose, T. Maksym, P. A. Matrai, L. M. Russell, B. Saenz, J. Stefels and N. Steiner, Changing polar environments: Interdisciplinary challenges. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 2012. 93(11): p. 117-118.

Year 2011

  • 79) Ariya, P.A., ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE Mid-latitude mercury loss. Nature Geoscience, 2011. 4(1): p. 14-15.
  • 78) Ariya, P.A., et al., Snow - a photobiochemical exchange platform for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds with the atmosphere. Environmental Chemistry, 2011. 8(1): p. 62-73. (This articles was shown in the journal cover page and selected as Editorial highlight)
  • 77) Hudson, E.D., P.A. Ariya, and Y. Gelinas, A method for the simultaneous quantification of 23 C-1-C-9 trace aldehydes and ketones in seawater. Environmental Chemistry, 2011. 8(4): p. 441-449.
  • 76) Morris, C.E., et al., Microbiology and atmospheric processes: research challenges concerning the impact of airborne micro-organisms on the atmosphere and climate. Biogeosciences, 2011. 8(1): p. 17-25.
  • 75) Si, L. and P.A. Ariya, Aqueous photoreduction of oxidized mercury species in presence of selected alkanethiols. Chemosphere, 2011. 84(8): p. 1079-1084.
  • 74) Subir, M., P.A. Ariya, and A.P. Dastoor, A review of uncertainties in atmospheric modeling of mercury chemistry I. Uncertainties in existing kinetic parameters - Fundamental limitations and the importance of heterogeneous chemistry. Atmospheric Environment, 2011. 45(32): p. 5664-5676.

Year 2010

  • 73) Kos, G. and P.A. Ariya, Volatile organic compounds in snow in the Quebec-Windsor Corridor. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2010. 115.
  • 72) Si, L. and P.A. Ariya, Photochemical reaction of oxidized Mercury species with selected thiols in natural waters. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 2010. 74(12)
  • 71) Snider, G. and P. Ariya, Photo-catalytic oxidation reaction of gaseous mercury over titanium dioxide nanoparticle surfaces. Chemical Physics Letters, 2010. 491(1-3): p. 23-28.
  • 70) Subir, M. and P.A. Ariya, Surface selective investigation of adsorption of mercury: Importance of surface on Hg chemical kinetics. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 2010, 74(12)
  • 69) Sun, J., P. A. Ariya, H. G. Leighton and M. K. Yau, Mystery of ice multiplication in warm-based precipitating shallow cumulus clouds. Geophysical Research Letters, 2010. 37.

Year 2009

  • 68) Ariya, P. A., Sun, J., Eltouny, N. A., Hudson, E. D., Hayes, C. T., and Kos, G., Physical and chemical characterization of bioaerosols - Implications for nucleation processes. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 2009. 28(1): p. 1-32.
  • 67) Coquet, S. and P.A. Ariya, Kinetics of the Gas-Phase Reactions of Cl Atom with Selected C2-C5 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons at 283 < T < 323 K. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2009. 41(9): p. 612-619).
  • 66) Georgakopoulos, D. G., V. Despres, J. Froehlich-Nowoisky, R. Psenner, P. A. Ariya, M. Posfai, H. E. Ahern, B. F. Moffett and T. C. J. Hill, Microbiology and atmospheric processes: biological, physical and chemical characterization of aerosol particles. Biogeosciences, 2009. 6(4): p. 721-737.
  • 65) Ariya, Parisa A., Kirk Peterson, Graydon Snider, and Marc Amyot. "Mercury chemical transformations in the gas, aqueous and heterogeneous phases: state-of-the-art science and uncertainties." In Mercury fate and transport in the global atmosphere, pp. 459-501. Springer US, 2009.

Year 2008

  • 64) Du, R. and P.A. Ariya, The test freezing temperature of C(2)-C(6) dicarboxylic acid: The important indicator for ice nucleation processes. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008. 53(17): p. 2685-2691.
  • 63) Raofie, F., G. Snider, and P.A. Ariya, Reaction of gaseous mercury with molecular iodine, atomic iodine, and iodine oxide radicals - Kinetics, product studies, and atmospheric implications. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie, 2008. 86(8): p. 811-820.
  • 62) Si, L. and P.A. Ariya, Reduction of oxidized mercury species by dicarboxylic acids (C(2)-C(4)): Kinetic and product studies. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008. 42(14): p. 5150-5155.
  • 61) Dastoor, A. P., D. Davignon, N. Theys, M. Van Roozendael, A. Steffen and P. A. Ariya, Modeling dynamic exchange of gaseous elemental mercury at polar sunrise. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008. 42(14): p. 5183-5188.
  • 60) Cote, V., G. Kos, R. Mortazavi and P. A. Ariya, Microbial and "de novo" transformation of dicarboxylic acids by three airborne fungi. Science of the Total Environment, 2008. 390(2-3): p. 530-537.
  • 59) Deguillaume, L., M. Leriche, P. Amato, P. Ariya, A.-M. Delort, U. Pöschl, N. Chaumerliac, H. Bauer, A. Flossmann and C. Morris, Microbiology and atmospheric processes: chemical interactions of primary biological aerosols. Biogeosciences, 2008. 5(4): p. 1073-1084.
  • 58) Ariya, P. A., H. Skov, M. M. L. Grage and M. E. Goodsite, Gaseous elemental mercury in the ambient atmosphere: Review of the application of theoretical calculations and experimental studies for determination of reaction coefficients and mechanisms with halogens and other reactants. Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 55: Applications of Theoretical Methods to Atmospheric Science, 2008. 55: p. 43-55.
  • 57) Snider, G., F. Raofie, and P.A. Ariya, Effects of relative humidity and CO(g) on the O(3)-initiated oxidation reaction of Hg(0)(g): kinetic & product studies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2008. 10(36): p. 5616-5623.
  • 56) Mortazavi, R., C.T. Hayes, and P.A. Ariya, Ice nucleation activity of bacteria isolated from snow compared with organic and inorganic substrates. Environmental Chemistry, 2008. 5(6): p. 373-381. (This article was selected as mostly read article)
  • 55) Steffen, A., T. Douglas, M. Amyot, P. Ariya, K. Aspmo, T. Berg, J. Bottenheim, S. Brooks, F. Cobbett, A. Dastoor, A. Dommergue, R. Ebinghaus, C. Ferrari, K. Gardfeldt, M. E. Goodsite, D. Lean, A. J. Poulain, C. Scherz, H. Skov, J. Sommar and C. Temme, A synthesis of atmospheric mercury depletion event chemistry in the atmosphere and snow. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2008. 8(6): p. 1445-1482. This paper is considered as Highly Cited Article)
  • 54) Ryzhkov, A., P. A. Ariya, F. Raofie, H. Niki and G. W. Harris, Theoretical and experimental studies of the gas-phase Cl-atom initiated reactions of benzene and toluene. Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol 55: Applications of Theoretical Methods to Atmospheric Science, 2008. 55: p. 275-295.
  • 53) Deguillaume, L., M. Leriche, P. Amato, P. Ariya, A.-M. Delort, U. Pöschl, N. Chaumerliac, H. Bauer, A. Flossmann and C. Morris, Microbiology and atmospheric processes: chemical interactions of Primary Biological Aerosols. Biogeosciences Discussions, 2008. 5(1).
  • 52) Morris, C., D. Sands, M. Bardin, R. Jaenicke, B. Vogel, C. Leyronas, P. Ariya and R. Psenner, Microbiology and atmospheric processes: an upcoming era of research on bio-meteorology. Biogeosciences Discussions, 2008. 5(1).

Year 2007

  • 51) HM Hung, P Ariya, Oxidation of oleic acid and oleic acid/sodium chloride (aq) mixture droplets with ozone, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (4), 620-632, (2007)
  • 50) A.Steffen, T. Douglas, M. Amyot, P. Ariya, K.Aspmo, T.Berg, J.Bottenheim, S.Brooks, F.Cobbett, A. Dastoor, A .Dommergue, R. Ebinghaus, C. Ferrari, K. Gardfeldt, M. E. Goodsite, D. Lean, A. Poulain, C. Scherz, H. Skov, J. Sommar, and C. Temme, A synthesis of atmospheric mercury depletion event chemistry linking atmosphere, snow and water, /Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss/.,7,10837-10931, (2007)
  • 49) E. D. Hudson, K. Okuda and P. A. Ariya, Determination of Acetone in Seawater Using Derivatization-Solid Phase Microextraction/, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry/, DOI 10.1007/S0021-6-007-132X (2007)
  • 48) E. D. Hudson, and P. A. Ariya, Measurements of Non-Methane Hydrocarbons, DOC in Surface Ocean Waters, and aerosols over the Nordic Seas during Polarstern cruise ARK-XX/1, Chemosphere, DOI:10.1016/j./chemosphere./2007.04.056, (2007)
  • 47) A. J. Poulain, E. Garcia, M. Amyot, P. G. C. Cambell, F. Raofie, and P. A. Ariya, Mercury speciation and reactivity in the high Arcitc on Cornwallis Island, /Geochemica Cosmochimica Acta/, 71, 3419-3431(2007)
  • 46) Poulain A.J., Ni Chadhain S. M., Ariya P. A., Amyot M., Garcia E., Campbell P. G. C., Zylstra G., and Barkay T. 2007. A potential for mercury reduction by microbes in the high Arctic. /Appl. Environ. Microbiol.,/ 73(7): 2230-2238. (This articles was chosen in the Cover Page and was selected as the faculty of 1000 choice) *
  • 45) Poulain, A. J.; Garcia, E.; Amyot, M.; Campbell, P. G. C.; Raofie, F.; Ariya, P., Biological and Chemical Redox Transformations of Mercury in Fresh and Salt Waters of the High Arctic during Spring and Summer /A., Environ. Sci. Technol., /41(6); 1883-1888, (2007)
  • 44) H. M. Hung, P. A. Ariya, The Oxidation of Oleic Acid and Oleic Acid/Sodium Chloride(aq) Mixture Droplets with Ozone: the Changes of Hygroscopicity and the Role of Secondary Reactions, /J. Phys. Chem. A.,/ 111(4); 620-632, (2007)
  • 43) W. R. Simpson, R. von Glasow, K. Riedel, P. Anderson, P. Ariya, J. Bottenheim, J. Burrows, L. Carpenter, U. Friess, M. E. Goodsite, D. Heard, M. Hutterli, H.-W. Jacobi, L. Kaleschke, B. Neff, J. Plane, U. Platt, A. Richter, H. Roscoe, R. Sander, P. Shepson, J. Sodeau, A. Steffen, T. Wagner and E. Wolff. Halogens and their role in polar boundary-layer ozone depletion, /Atmos. Chem. Phys/. Discuss., 7, 4285-4403 (2007).(This paper is considered as Highly Cited Article)

Year 2006

  • 42) A. Garib, Q, Timergazin, and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and product studies of Cl-atom initiated of selected hydrocarbons in the marine boundary layer", Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 84, 1686-1695, (2006)
  • 41) G. Kos, P. A. Ariya, Determination of a Wide Range of Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Snow Using Solid Phase Micro-Extraction (SPME), Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 385 (1): 57-66 (2006)
  • 40) J. Sun and P. A. Ariya, Atmospheric organic and bio-aerosols as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN): A review, Atmospheric Environment 40, 5 795-820, (2006). (This paper is considered as Highly Cited Article, Hot article, top 25 science direct in the decade).
  • 39) A. B. Ryzhkov and P. A. Ariya, The importance of water clusters (H2O)n (n=2..4) in the reaction of Criegee intermediate with water in the atmosphere, Chemical Physics Letter, 419, 479-485, (2006).

Year 2005

  • 38) M. A. Engle, M. Sexauer Gustin, S. E. Lindberg, A. W. Gertler. P. A. Ariya, The influence of ozone on atmospheric emissions of gaseous elemental mercury and reactive gaseous mercury from substrates, Atmospheric Environment 39, 7506-7517, (2005).
  • 37) P. A. Ariya and K. Peterson, Atmospheric Chemical Transformation of Elemental Mercury, Mercury in Environment, chapter 13, Kluwer, Nicolas Pirrone (editor), (2005).
  • 36) E. Garcia, M. Amyot and P.A. Ariya, "The relationship between DOC photochemistry and mercury redox transformations in aquatic systems of varying humic content", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69, 8, 1917-1924, (2005).
  • 35) E. Garcia, A.J. Poulain, M. Amyot and P.A. Ariya, "Diel variations in photo-induced oxidation of Hg0 in freshwater", Chemosphere, 59(7), 977-982, (2005)

Year 2004

  • 34) P.A. Ariya, A P. Dastoor, M. Amyot, W.H. Schroeder, L. Barrie, K. Anlauf, F. Raofie, A. Ryzkhov, D. Davignon; J. Lalonde, A. Steffen, The Arctic: A sink for mercury, Tellus B, 56, 5, 397-403, (2004); Scientific impact of our work is noted in: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es0406785
  • 33) A. Ryzkhov and P.A. Ariya, "Reactions of substituted Criegee biradical with water dimer", Physical Chemistry - Chemistry Physics, 6, 5042-5050, (2004)
  • 32) A.J. Poulain, J. Lalonde, M. Amyot, F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "Photooxidation of mercury in the Arctic snow", Atmospheric Environment, 39, 6763-6774, (2004)
  • 31) B. Paul and P.A. Ariya, "Gas-phase reaction of hydroxyl initiated reaction of elemental mercury: Kinetics and product studies, Environmental Science and Technology, 38, 5555, (2004). Scientific impact of our work is noted in: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es0406785
  • 30) M. Amyot, F. Morel and P.A. Ariya, "The effect of surfaces on Hg droplets in environmental compartments", Environmental Science and Technolog, 39, 1, 110-114, (2004).
  • 29) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "First evidence of stable Hg+1 in aerosols", Environmental Science and Technology, 38(16); 4319-4326, (2004)Scientific impact of our work is noted in: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es0406785
  • 28) P.A. Ariya, A.P. Dastoor 2,M.AMYOT, W.H. Schroeder, L. Barrie, K. Analuf, F. Raofie, A. Rhykov, D. Davignon, J. Lalonde and A. Steffen, Tellus B, Volume 56, Issue 5, Pages 397-403, (2004)
  • 27) P.A. Ariya and M. Amyot, "Bioaerosols: Impact on physics and chemistry of the atmosphere", Atmospheric Environment, 38(8), 1231-1233, (2004). (invited)
  • 26) B. Paul and P.A. Ariya, "Studies of O3-initiated reaction of gaseous mercury Hg0: kinetics, product studies, and atmospheric implications atmosphere", Physical Chemistry-Chemical Physics, 6, 572-579, (2004).Scientific impact of our work is noted in: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es0406785
  • 25) J.D. Lalonde, M. Amyot, J. Orvoine, F. Morel, J.-C. Auclair and P.A. Ariya, "Photoinduced oxidation of Hg(aq) in the waters from the St. Lawrence estuary", Environmental Science and Technology, 38(2), 508-514, (2004).
  • 24) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "Mercury aerosols in atmosphere", RMZ- Materials and Geoenvironment, 51: 774-778, (2004).
  • 23) B. Pal and P.A. Ariya, "Gaseous reactions of atmospheric oxidants with elemental mercury: kinetics, mechanistic, and atmospheric implications", RMZ- Materials and Geoenvironment, 51: 724-28, (2004).

Year 2003

  • 22) M. Amyot, J.D. Lalonde, P.A. Ariya and A. Dastoor, "Behavior of mercury in snow from different latitudes", Journal de Physique IV, 107, 45-49, (2003).
  • 21) B. Paul, and P.A. Ariya, "Reactions of O3 with mercury in troposphere: kinetics and product studies", Journal de Physique IV107, 189-202, (2003).
  • 20) F. Raofie and P.A. Ariya, "Reactions of BrO with mercury: kinetic studies", Journal de Physique IV, 107, 1119-1121 (2003).
  • 19) P. A. Ariya and A. Ryzhkov, "Activation of mercury on snow surfaces", Journal de Physique IV, 107, 57-60, (2003).
  • 18) A.F., Khalizov, B. Viswanathan, P. Larregaray and P.A. Ariya, "Theoretical Study on the Reactions of Hg with Halogens: Atmospheric Implications", Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 107(33), 6360-6365, (2003).
  • 17) A.B. Ryzhkov, and P.A. Ariya, "A theoretical study of the reactions of carbonyl oxide with water in atmosphere: the role of water dimer", Chemical Physics Letters, 367(3-4), 423-429, (2003).

Year 2002

  • 16) E. Avzyanova and P. A. Ariya, "Kinetic studies of ozonolysis of selected terminal and internal alkenes", International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 34(12), 678-684, (2002).
  • 15) P. A. Ariya, O. Nepotchatykh, O. Igntova and M. Amyot, "Microbiological degradation of organic compounds in the atmosphere", Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 341-344 (2002)
  • 14) P. A. Ariya, A. F. Khalizov, and A. Gidas, "Reaction of Gaseous Mercury with Atomic and Molecular Halogens: Kinetics, Product Studies, and Atmospheric Implications", Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 106(32), 7310-7320, (2002). (This article was named highly cited paper in the journal in two years) Scientific impact of our work is noted in: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es0406785
  • 13) O. Nepotchatykh and P.A. Ariya, "Atmospheric degradation of Dicarboxylic Acids (C2-C9) upon their reactions with O3", Environmental Science & Technology, 36(15), 3265-3269, (2002).

Year 2001

  • 12) A. Khalizov and P.A. Ariya, "Stability of XSO2 (X=F,Cl, and Br) radical: impact of the basis set on X-S bonding energy in ab initio and DFT calculations", Chemical Physics Letters, 350(1-2), 173, (2001).
  • 11) Q. Timerqazin and P.A. Ariya, "Kinetics and mechanistic studies of Cl-atom intitated reaction of terpenes", Physical Chemistry-Chemical Physics, 3, 3981-3986, (2001).
  • (2000)
  • 10) K. von Salzen , H.G. Leighton, P.A. Ariya, L.A. Barrie, S.L. Gong, J.-P. Blanchet, L. Spacek, U. Lohmann, L.I. Kleinman, "The sensitivity of sulphate aerosol size distributions and CCN concentrations over North America to SOx emissions and H2O2 concentrations", Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D8), 9741-9766, (2000).
  • 9) S. Coquet and P. Ariya, "The temperature dependence of Cl-atom initiated reactions of selected alkenes under tropospheric conditions", International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 32, 478-488, (2000).
  • 8) P.A. Ariya, R. Sander and P.J. Crutzen, "Significance of HOx formation in the winter-time: A modeling study", Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 17721-17738 (2000).
  • (1999)
  • 7) P.A. Ariya, H. Niki, G.W. Harris, F. Hopper and D. Worthy "Polar Sunrise Experiment 1995: Hydrocarbon measurements and halogen chemistry in the Arctic troposphere", Atmospheric Environment, 33, 931-938, (1999).
  • 6) P.A. Ariya, J.F. Hopper, G.W. Harris, "Measurement of C2-C7 hydrocarbons in interstitial snow during PSE 94", Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 34, 55-64, (1999).
  • (1995-1998)
  • 5) P.A. Ariya, B.T. Jobson, R. Sander, H. Niki, G.W. Harris, K. Anlauf and F. Hopper, "Measurements of C2-C8 hydrocarbons during the Polar Sunrise Experiment 1994: Further evidence for halogen chemistry in the Arctic troposphere", Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(D11), 13169-13180, (1998).
  • 4) P.A. Ariya, V. Catoire, R. Sander, H. Niki and G.W. Harris, "Trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene: Tropospheric probes for Cl- and Br-atom chemistry during the Polar sunrise", TELLUS, 49B, 583-591, (1997).
  • 3) V. Catoire, P.A. Ariya, H. Niki and G.W. Harris, "FTIR study of Cl and Br atom oxidation of trichloroethylene at T = 296±2 K", International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 29, 695-704, (1997).
  • 2) J. Chen, V. Young, P.A. Ariya (Hooshiyar), M. Hurley and H. Niki, "FTIR study of the Cl-initiated oxidation of ethylene oxide", Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99, 4071-4077, (1995).
  • 1) Parisa A. Ariya (Hooshiyar) and Hiromi Niki, "Reaction rate of Cl-atoms with a series of C2-C8 alkane at T = 296±2 K", International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 27, 1197-1206, (1995).